Intuitive process
Effortless abstract submissions
Design submission forms that fit your event perfectly. Authors submit abstracts quickly and without confusion
Reviewer-friendly system
The intuitive user interface means that reviewers easily navigate the system
Intuitive decision-making
Simplify your selection process with tools designed for clarity and precision
Abstract management made easy
Scheduled communication
Centralise your submission and review process communications. Create customisable, scheduled emails to keep everyone—authors, reviewers, and participants—on track and aware of deadlines.
Generate abstract books immediately
Auto-assign reviewers
Auto-save for reviewers
Your event success starts here
With Floq Abstract Management, you can streamline your abstract process from start to finish, enhance collaboration, and ensure the success of your event. Ensure that the process is as smooth as possible for both authors and reviewers and create an outstanding abstract book. Once you have a clear outlook on the abstracts, organisation of the sessions of your conference will be a breeze.